At Annie Tiang TCM, we specialize in traditional treatments such as acupuncture, orthopedics and Traditional Chinese Medicine and even expertise in gynecology, internal treatments and medicine. In orthopedics, our treatments have a therapeutic effect for cervical spondylosis, lumbar, as well as pains on the neck, shoulder, lower back and joints. For internal treatments, considering the theory that the spleen and stomach provide the material basis for individual constitution, along with South-East Asia's unique living and eating habits- our meridian treatments and Traditional Chinese Medicine are immensely beneficial against stomach diseases, chronic conditioning and obesity. For gynecology, our treatments differ according our patient's age, stages of menstrual conditioning, in order to provide progesterone solutions.
We are not simply experts in traditional treatments and Traditional Chinese Medicine but we pay great attention in being benevolent and caring for our patients. We are unconditionally committed to providing our patient with very best medical care in a gentle, friendly and high effective manner. Our goal is not only to become the biggest clinic in Singapore, but also to be a clinic that takes the concepts of excellence and professionalism very seriously. It's utmost importance to us to spend enough time with each patient so we can make an accurate diagnosis and devise an individual treatment plan that an effectively and rapidly bring each patient back to health. We also allow enough time to address any concerns and answer each question that you may have. Our success Rate in these cases is very high because of effectiveness of Chinese medicine and because we do not take shortcuts.
Our team of doctors and assistants have great unity and teamwork with each other and have accumulated hundreds of thousands of successful treatments in over ten years of experience and practice. Based on our mission of providing a patient-centered service, we place great emphasis on the treatment results and the service provided, by constantly striving to pursue excellence in order to strengthen our brand as Annie Tiang TCM.