24A Haig road Singapore 438734 Monday - Sunday 09:00-19:30 67437781

Singapore Elbow Pain Treatment Specialist

Tennis Elbow & Golf Elbow Specialist in Singapore

Commonly termed tennis elbow or golf elbow, most elbow pain is attributed to overuse. Elbow pain is less likely to be the result of injury; rather, it is a syndrome that results from repetitive activity, whether sports-related or not. Elbow pain can be particularly debilitating as, by nature of the cause, it often affects a person’s dominant arm.

Pain in elbow complaints are common, especially among athletes and those with physical jobs. Inner elbow pain can result from overuse or incorrect form when playing certain sports. For example, baseball elbow pain treatment plans are almost always needed for pitchers, while elbow pain treatment for tennis players and golfers also is very common.


Common Causes of Elbow Pain

Physically demanding jobs, various sports and intricate hobbies that require repetitive motions put you at risk for inner elbow pain. When it comes, you need medial elbow pain treatment in Annietiang. Issues most commonly seen by our pain management team include:

  • Tennis elbow
  • Golf elbow
  • Baseball elbow
  • Stress fractures
  • Tendonitis
  • Cubital tunnel syndrome
  • Dislocated joint
  • Nerve entrapment
  • Throwing elbow
Preventing Tennis & Golf Elbow
  • Avoid carrying heavy items
  • Use stretching techniques that mimic the required, repetitive sports or activity motion
  • Consult with a sports physician to expand on the corrective techniques
  • Explore desk modification to create a more ergonomic work station
  • What We Treat

  • Ready to Run?

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    • WE CAN HELP!

      Annietiang TCM specialized in elbow pain treatment, we will diagnose the exact cause of your elbow pain. While discussing your lifestyle and recreational pursuits, and carefully analyzes your pain triggers and overall arm, wrist, and hand function, looking for potential factors in the complex chain that reaches into your shoulder and neck.

      We will use conservative TCM massage, TCM acupuncture, TCM chiropractic care, TCM physical therapy treatments, and TCM medicine and lifestyle counseling. Our office has helped everyone from high-performing athletes, celebrities, to everyday workers achieve a mobile, active, and pain-free lifestyle.